Thursday, December 18, 2014

Turkey Day, 12 Acts of Christmas, 2 Ingredient Brownies, and more!

Hey y'all! Can I get a ROLL TIDE?!
Wow! What a great season for the Tide! Wishing hard for another National Championship title for Christmas, but it's just an honor to make it this far! Looking forward to playing Ohio State in 2 weeks!

Merry Christmas Saint Nick! Bama fans love you, Blake Sims, Amari Cooper, Landon Collins, Kirby Smart, and even Lane Kiffin, and your whole team!

So not much has been happening get caught up...
The usual Into the Woods with Simba:
 The wonder pose, side right
The wonder pose, side left

 The "I'm Too Sexy for a Selfie" pose

                                                             And finally, the purple tongue teaser pose

 Thanksgiving happened: Thankful for this view on beautiful Lake Guntersville:

                                                   And this view on the homefront:

                    And a Thanksgiving spent with family, an overflowing table, laughter and memories! We had taco soup and appetizers this year and they were yummy! My cousin Kase was our turkey!

 The Saturday after Thanksgiving, Mom and I did the Skinny Turkey 5K in Guntersville! Lots of fun!
My sweet Daddy turned 59 this year! Love him very much! He is the hardest worker, most humble man I know! Wish him many more special birthdays!

Oh, I got adventurous for National Brownies Day (December 8, FYI) but you can totally observe it everyday of the year! So I wanted to indulge but without the guilt. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present 2 Ingredient Brownies The short cast is simply a brownie mix--when in doubt, go for the Gold--as in Ghiradeli. And a can of pumpkin. Holla! So simple. Mix together and it looks like a scary Halloween mess but after 50 strokes, pour into a pan and bake for 25 minutes at 350 and BAM! Lowfat Healthy Brownies that are soooo good! You cannot taste the pumpkin at all--but like that would be a crime! And I chose to dress mine up for the National Brownie Holiday it was by adding marshmallows and sticking them on broil for a minute (no more) and there you have it, folks! Next time I'm trying avacado. Anyone tried this recipe or the avacado? Ok, that's my food post. :)

I'm a stickler for Christmas movies and music. I've got my own playlist on Spotify Playlist and a countdown calendar on my phone, etc. At random, here are the Top 10 movies I will gladly put down everything to watch on any given Christmas season:
1) Love Actually
2) I'll Be Home For Christmas (with JTT) Duh!
3) Scrooged with Bill Murray
4) The Holiday
5) Christmas Vacation---saw this at the Alabama Theatre this week! Never gets old!
6) Miracle on 34th Street (1994)
7) Home Alone (1 & 2)
8) Prancer
9) Charlie Brown Christmas
10) Elf

What are your favs???

I'm doing something special this year I created myself, called The 12 Acts of Christmas.

They are the most random things. I realized if I wasn't careful, the season would pass by as it always does, way too fast, without time to really enjoy it. So it's like a seasonal bucket list. They are all over Pinterest (what isn't?!) but I customized my list. So over the past couple of days I've been trying to cross these off my list:
1) Christmas dance party in the den-- Lots of old school N'SYNC!
2) Pay it forward at the drive thru.
3) Play Christmas theme Scrabble--harder than it sounds.
4) Go on a Christmas scavenger hunt---search for ideas on Pinterest
5) Have a brunch/breakfast at the table
6) Drink hot chocolate & watch Christmas movies!
7) Read the Christmas story out of Luke
8) Get dressed up in holiday attire (tacky sweaters or fancy) and go out to dinner
9) Take my girl Cuddles in her Christmas sweater somewhere in town to get a treat!
10) Buy my chow chow Simba a bucket of chicken from KFC. His fav.
11) Watch home movies from Chistmases decades ago and look at old Christmas photos.
12) Create a new holiday tradition

Looking very forward to another year of getting growing, learning, living out God's Plan. Hope you are too! Until then, may we enjoy this joyous season of celebrating our Savior's birth.
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." Luke 2:14

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